DIANTHUS latifolius.
Broad-leaved Pink.
Natural Order. C a r y o p h y lle ^ . Jms. gen.2Q9.
D IA N TH U S . Calyx cylindricus, longus coriaceus, 1-sepa-
lus; basi squamis 4-8. Pétala 5, unguiculata. S ty li2 , ssepe
recurvi. Caps, cylindrica, 1-locularis, apice dehiscens.
D. latifolius, floribus aggregatis racemoso-oorymbo.sis, squamis
calyciuis lanceolatis acutis deraum calycem superantibus,
petalis dentatis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis trinerviis.
Dianthus latifolius, Willd. enum. v. 1. p . 466. Link enw,
p. 418. Hort. sub. lond. p . 99. Steud. nom. p . 271.
Root perennial. Plant herbaceous, short, tufted.
Leaves sessile, oblong lanceolate, 3-nerved, smooth,
of a green opaque colour, margins rough; root leaves
from 4 to 5 inches long, and i of an inch wide, bluntish,
or ending abruptly in an acute point; stem leaves
opposite, shorter and acute. Flower-stern obsoletely
4-sided, slightly channelled, smooth. Flowers loosely
aggregate, racemosely-corymbose, sessile. Scales o f
the Calyx 4, leafy, widely lanceolate, taper-pointed,
about the length of the calyx before the flowers expand,
afterwards growing to nearly the length of the
petals, margins membranaceous near the base. Calyx
of 1 sepal, tubular, cylindrical, channelled with numerous
furrows, 5-cleft; segments taper-pointed, longer
than the ungues. Petals 5, imguiculate, with broad
lamina, which are deeply crenate, of a bright dark red
or purple, with a dark circle near the base. Filaments
10, inserted in the receptacle. Anthers incura-
B 2