5-lobed, of a bright pink colour, lobes deeply eniargi-
nate, plicately spreading. Stamens 3, inserted in the
base of the tube, shorter than the perianthium ; Jila-
ments smooth, purple, attached to the back of the
anthers, which are 2-celled, and burst before the
flower expands; pollen bright yellow, composed of
little round grains. Style smooth, purple. Stigma
capitate, fimbriate. Seed angular, rugose.
Our drawing of this plant was taken at the Nursery
of Mr. Colvill, where it was raised from seed received
from Germany, under the name that we have adopted.
It is a native of South America, and the seeds should
be sown on a hot-bed in Spring, and from thence be
planted either in the open ground, or in pots, in the
same manner as Mirabilis, or Marvel of Peru, to
which it is nearly related ; and like it, the roots require
to be taken up in Autumn, and to be kept in dry earth,
out of the reach of frost, till Spring, when they may
again be planted in the flower borders; a dry warm
border of rich light earth suits them best, where they
will grow to the height of 18 inches, and will continue
to flower till late in Autumn, and ripen plenty of seeds.
spread open, to show the insertion of the 3 flowers, or seeds,
the middle one being a ripe seed. 2. Perianthium. 3. The same spread open
tubr*“®^ reTnfe » Stamens inserted in the base of th^
tube. 5 Germen Style, and fimbriate Stigma. 6. Seed cut open, to show its
laige albumen and the small radicle in the centre.