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LYSIMACHIA verticillata.
Whorled Loosestrife.
Natural Order. P r im u la c eæ . Brown prod. 427.
L Y S IM A CH IA . CaZyx 5-partitus. CoroZZa rotata, 5-fida.
Stamina 5. Capsula globosa, 5-10 valvis. Folia opposita
V. verticillata. Flores axillares v. terminales, solitarii v. spicati
aut corymhosi. Brown prodr. 248.
L. verticillata, foliis verticillatis oblongo-lanceolatis ovatisque
petiolatis molli-pubescentibus, pedunculis axillaribns uni-
triflorisque, petalis ovatis acutis glandulosa-ciliatis, caule
Lysimachia verticillata. Willd. enum. 1. p . 195. Ram. et
Schult. syst. 4. p . 124. Link enum. 1. p. 160. Noh. in
Colv. catal. p . 36. col. 1.
Root perennial, turfy. Stems numerous, springing
from the same root, from 1 to 2 feet high, simple,
erect, channelled, thickly clothed with unequal woolly
hairs. Leaves in whorls, 4 or 5 in each whorl; lower
ones generally ovate, a little unequal at the base;
upper ones oblong, or lanceolate, slightly undulate,
rugose, bluntish, many nerved underneath, and channelled
above; thickly clothed on both sides with
short soft hairs. Petioles more than 3 times shorter
than the leaves, deeply channelled above, and rounded
below; winged, the wings continuing from the leaf
down the stalk to the next'leaves. Stipules none.
Peduncles from the axils of the leaves, from 1 to 3
flowered, thickly clothed with unequal spreading
hairs. Calyx 5-parted, about half the length of the
petals; segments narrowly lanceolate, concave, acute.
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