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CyPRIPEDIUM pubescens.
Yellow Downy Ladies’ Slipper.
Natural Order. Orchideæ. Brown prodr. 309.
Sect. VI. D ia n d r æ . S tamin a 2 antherifera.
C Y P R IP E D IU M . Perianthium 4-phylIum, patens ; foKo-
la 2 antica sæpius connata. Labellum ventricosum, inflatum
(nunc saccatum.) Columna postice terminata lobo petaloideo
(stamine sterili,) antheras distinguente.
C. pubescens, caule folioso, lobo styli triangulari-oblongo obtuso,
perianthii foliolis exterioribus ovato-oblongis acuminatis :
interioribus linearibus contortis basi intus subbarbatis, labello
nervoso foliolis breviore compresso.
Cypripedium pubescens. Willden. sp. pi. 4. p . 143. Hort.
berol. 1. t. 13. Pers. syn. 2. p . 525. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.
V. 5. p. 221. Pursh Jl. amer. 2. p . 594.
Cypripedium flavescens. Redoute liliac. 20.
Stems several from the same root, upright, striate,
densely pubescent. Leaves 4 or 5, alternate, sessile,
clasping the stem at the base, spreading, ovate, acute,
more or less waved, point slightly twisted, longitudinally
nerved and plaited, furrowed on the upper side,
densely pubescent. Flowers 1 to 3, nodding. P e duncle
scarcely as long as the leaf, densely pubescent.
Bracte 1, straight, leaf-like, ovate, taper-pointed,
shorter than the leaflets of the perianthium. Pedicle
short, enclosed in the bracte. Germen angular, curved,
not twisted, densely pubescent. Leaflets o f the Perianthium
of a greenish yellow, more or less spotted
with brown : 2 outer ones ovate, acuminate, upper one
erect, a little twisted, lower one dependent, straight,
longer than the labellum; inner ones longer, broadly