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IRIS dichotoma.
Forked-petaled Iris.
Natural Order. I e id EvE. Brown prodr. 302.
IR IS . Supra fol. 6 8 .
I. dichotoma, foliis ensiformibus falcatis, scapis teretibus pani-
culato-ramosis, spathis terminalibus diphyllis multifloris,
perianthii tubo fere nullo ; laciniis exterioribus subbarbatis ;
interioribus apice bifidis.
Iris dichotoma. Willden.sp. pZ.l. p. 230. P a lla sit.3 . p . 712.
t. A . f . 2. Rcem. et Schult. syst. 1. p . 464. Pers. syn. 1.
p. 52. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. p . 120. Bot. reg. 246. Link
enum. 1. p . 58.
Iris pomeridiana. Fischer Mss.
Root tuberous. Stem from a foot to 18 inches in
height. Leaves ensiform, more or less falcate, of a
white glaucous colour. Scape cylindrical, paniculately
branching, leafy, smooth. Sheaths terminal, 2-leaved,
many-flowered ; leaflets ovate, concave, points scariose.
Peduncles long and slender, flattened on the inside,
and keeled on the outer, about twice the length of the
sheath. Germen oblong, bluntly 3-cornered. Perianthium
divided nearly to the Ijase into 6 segments ;
outer ones linearly oblong, obtuse, with crenulate
points, reflexed from about the middle, of a light purple
tinged with brown, and variegated near the base,
with a iarge white patch in the centre, slightly bearded,
and more or less spotted with purple; inner segments
obovate, attenuated to the base, the points bifid, or
forked, and sometimes toothed, of a light purple.
Stamens 3, inserted in the base of the laciniae, about