hairs at the base, and a considerable way up, outside
pubescent. Labellum yellow, smooth outside and
marked with a few purplish stripes, the mouth edged
with purple; inside beautifully spotted in circular lines,
bearded at the base. Column lobe broadly sagittate,
entire, bluntish, smooth ou both sides, channelled on
the upper side and concave near the point, keeled
underneath, the keel channelled, yellow, the edges
spotted with brown purple. Style pale yellow ; middle
lobe triangular, with a hollow round point; side lobes
lanceolate, scarcely acute, terminating beyond the
anthers. Anthers 2, nearly orbicular, attached to the
side lobes of the style. Pollen waxy, yellow.
The present plant is a native of North America,
growing, according to Pursh, in shady fertile woods,
from New Jersey to Carolina. The specimen from
which our drawing was taken, was received by Mr.
Colvill, last Autumn, from North America, and was
miltivated in a p o t; the soil was a light red sandy loam.
Our plants flowered from the beginning to about the
ui- L earlier than C. pubescens, which we
published m a former number. We have seen plants
of this genus thriving very well when planted out in a
pit, in a rich sandy soil, and occasionally covered with
tlie lights, in wet weather, at the time that the plants
vrere dormant; we have no doubt but the greater part
ot the family to which they belong would succeed
well, managed in that way, as they generally suffer
most from moisture when in a dormant state.
bearding inside. 2. Front view
t e r r A f a v b s ;• i s