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PRIMULA Paliiiuri.
Unequal-bracted Primrose.
Natural Order. PrimulacEjE. Brown prodr. 427.
P R IM U LA . Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus persistens.
Corolla tubus cylindricus; ore patulo ; limbo emarginato.
Stamina 5. Stigma 1, globosum. Capsula 1-locularis ; ore
P. Palinuri, foliis obovatis crenatis glabris, scapo foliis altiore
laterali, umbella nutante, involucro insequali pedúnculos
submquante, corollse limbo margine incurvo.
Primula Palinuri. Willd. enum. u. 1. p. 191. Link enum.
V. 1. p . 158. Hort. sub. lond. p . 32. Rcem. et Schult.
syst. 4. p . 138.
Subcaulescent. Stem short and stiff, erect. Leaves
sessile, obovate, slightly undulate, deeply crenate,
with rounded points, and attenuate at the base, of a
greasy appearance and very soft, but scarcely viscous,
about 2 inches broad, and long; when
rubbed, emitting a powerful fragrance resembling
Chamomile or Wormwood. Seape higher than the
leaves, viscid, pubescent. Umbel many-flowered,
nodding. Involucre of several unequal leafy bractes,
some longer, others about the length of the peduncles.
Bractes obovate, undulate, entire. Peduncles
cylindrical, a little longer than the calyx, thickly
covered with a white powder. Calyx 5-toothed,
densely clothed inside and out with a white mealy
jowder. Corolla tubular, tube nearly twice the
ength of the calyx; limb scarcely half the length of
the tube, emarginate; sides folded inwards, of a
bright yellow colour, slightly farinaceous, with a
golden circle at the mouth. Stamens 5, oblong,