M ly A fLL-. fjlis iu a-uAji,
RHEXIA mariana, rubella.
Maryland Rhexia, stained variety.
Natural Order. MelastomacEzE. J uss. gen. 328.
R H E X IA . Calyx urceolatus, quadrifidus. Corolla 4-petala,
calyci inserta. Stamina 8, antheris declinatis. Capsula setosa,
4-locularis, intra ventrem calycis.
R. mariana, caule rufescente hirsutissimo, foliis hirsutis suh-
letiolatis ovali-lanceolatis lanceolatis linearihusve, calyce
ongo tubuloso glabriusculo. Pursh. flor. amer. sept. 1. p . 257.
Rhexia mariana. Mich.fl. amer. 1. p . 221. Willden. sp. p i. 2.
p. 301. Pers. syn. 1. p . 406. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 2. p. 340.
Lamarck ill. 283. / . 1.
a. purpurea, foliis angusto-lanceolatis vel oblongis, floribus
saturate purpuréis. Mich. I. c.
B- rubella, foliis ovali-lanceolatis vel oblongis, floribus dilute
rubellis. Mich. I. c.
y. exalbida, foliis linearibus, caule birsutiore, floribus pallidis.
Mich. I. c.
Ro o t pferennial. Stems numerous, about a foot
high, much branched; branches spreading in all
directions, bluntly quadrangular, furrowed, thickly
clothed with brown spreading rigid hairs, tipped with
a red gland. Leaves opposite, 3-nerved, finely but
sharply serrate, hairy on both sides, bluntish ; lower
ones oval, or oblong, gradually narrowing upwards;
upper ones lanceolate, or linear. Petioles very short.
Flowers terminating the branches in a kind of panicle,
more or less tinged with red. Peduncles short and
stiff, smooth. Calyx urceolately tubular, 4-cleft, angular,
smoothish, with a few rigid hairs scattered on it
M m
here and there; segments ovate, acute, spreading.
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