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SCHIZANTHUS porrigens.
Spreading Schizanthus.
Natural Order. ScrophulakinjE, Brown prodr. 433.
Sect I. Stamina duo antherifera. Capsula bilocularis.
SCH IZ A N TH U S . Supra fol. 63.
S. porriqens, caule ramoso diffuso, foliis inferioribus interrupte
pinnatis: foliolis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis inciso-dentatis
integerrimisve : superioribus oblongo-ovatis inciso-dentatis
utrinque hirsutis, floribus paniculatis, racemis secundis.
Schizanthus porrigens. Hooker exot. flor. t. 86.
Annual. Stem a foot to 18 inches in height, much
branched, spreading in all directions ; branches slender,
thickly clothed with villous unequal spreading hairs,
each tipped with a gland. Leaves thickly clothed
with short hairs on both sides; lower ones interruptedly
pinnate; leaflets oblong, obtuse, deeply toothed with
blunt teeth, and smaller leaflets intermixed ; middle
leaves pinnate; leaflets alternate, lanceolate, bluntish,
generally entire; upper leaves entire, oblong-ovate,
more or less cut or toothed. Flowers panicled ; racemes
secund, several-flowered. Bractes 2 at the base
of the pedicles, oblong, obtuse, equal in size, or some-
times one larger than the other. Pedicles slender,
nodding, thickly clothed with villous glandular hairs,
as is the calyx. Calyx 5-parted nearly to thé base,
segments unequal, spatulate, obtuse, fringed, the lower
one much the longest. Corolla irregular; upper lip
5-cleft, side laciniae forked, the lower ones pale rose
colour, middle ones lighter, with a purple spot on each
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