COREOPSIS tinctoria.
Dyeing or Arkansa Coreopsis.
Natural Order. Compos itæ. Adanson fam. 2 . ^ .
Sect. V. H e LIANTHEÆ. Kunth Synops. 2. p . 403.
COR EOPSIS. Supra fol. 10.
C tinctoria foliis oppositis pinnatisectis glabris : inferioribus
■foliolis ov’atis obtusis integris bifidisve ; superioribus lineari-
bus obtusis subdivisis, floribus
involucri exterioribus brevissimis, akeniis nudis einarginatis.
Coreopsis tinctoria. Nuttall in the Journal <lf
Natural Science o f Philadelphia fo r 1821. p . 144. Barton
Fior. N. Amer. vol. 2. f . 45.
Calliopsis bicolor. Hort. germ.
Annual. Stem erect, much branched, 2 to 5 feet
high. Leaves opposite, somewhat succulent, smooth,
at first simple and ovate, the next pmnately parted,
with ovate obtuse leaflets, which are generally entire,
but sometimes 2-cleft: upper ones also
bipinnatifid, the leaflets or segments linear, obtuse
entire or pinnatifid, the terminal one much the longest.
Flowers p a n i c u l a t e l y b r a n c h i n g , t e r n n n a t m g t h e b r a n c h -
fe trb y t l s or threes. Involuere of 2
8 in each : outer leaflets very short and small, Ian
ceolate, obtuse, of a bright green:
larger oblongly ovate, membranaceous, bluntish,
brownish purple. Receptaele convex, paleaceous,
warted: ehaff filiform, purple longer than th® Jorets,
deciduous. Rays about 8, 3 or ^ ' I f «d, s erile ob
longly obovate, of a bright golden yellow with a dark
purple spot near the base, which causes an elegant
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