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PHLOMIS pungens.
P u n g en t-b ra c te d P h lom is.
Natural Order. L ab ia ta !. Brown prodr. 499.
PHLOMIS. Supra, fol. 24.
P. vunqens, foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis apice serratis
superne scabris subtus tomentosis, calycinis dentibus subulatis
patentibus, bracteis calyce longitudine subulatis mucronatis.
Willden. sp. pi. 3. p . 121. Pers. syn. 2. p. 127.
P e ren n ia l. Stem about 18 inches high, branching ;
branches obtusely quadrangular, ’ r down
c lo th ed with long villous hairs, and short down
intermixed. L ea v e s opposite, oblong or lanceol^^^^^
pointed, entire at the base, and serrated fiora about
the m iddle with blunt se r ra tu r e s; upper side rather
wrinkled, roughish, h a ir y ; under sid e tom ento se ,
many nerved, reticulately veined. P e tio le s short and
flat, w idened a t the base, villous. F low e rs in w h o ils,
10 or 12 in ea ch , o f a dingy purple. B r y t e s numerous,
rigid, subulate, taper-pomted, fringed, about the
len g ih o f the ca ly x . C a ly x tubular, n=^rrowest at the
ba se , villous, 5-angled, each angle terminated with
a lon g subulate spreading segment, and b etween e ^ h
a n -le is another smaller o n e ; segments fringed. 6 o -
ro lla tubular, 2-lipped, w o o lly ; helmet k e e led , sid e s
com p r e ssed , slightly bea rded, em a r g in a te ; low e r h p
3-lob^ed ; terminal lob e broad, rounded, ke e led underneath
; sid e lobe s lan c eo la te , taper-pointed. Stamens 4 ,
2 rather longer than the others, inserted m the mouth
o f the c o r o lla ; filam en ts hairy ; anthers incumbent.
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