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CJ-^^ÓAc/i/hcÌ iy cJ^.c/Aer^ó, Gl/.f/ae.a. c.A'Lj.i'r.k.. !,/s lit .
Columna!s Skull-cap.
Natural Order. L abiata:. Brown prodr. 499.
SC U T E L L A R IA . Supra fol. 45.
S. ColumncB, foliis oblongis cordatis serratis pubescentibus,
spicis elongatis secundis, bracteis petiolatis ovatis calyce
brevioribus. Willden. sp. p i. 3, p . 175.^ r 7 .7
Scutellaria Columns. Pers. syn. 2. p. 136. Hort. sub. lond.
p. 135. All. pedem. n. 145. t. 84. / . 2. Column, ecphr. 1.
p . 187. 1 . 189.
Perennial. Stems ascending, about 18 inches high,
4-sided, branching in all directions ; branches bluntly
quadrangular, clothed with a short dense P«bescence.
Leaves opposite, oblongly cordate,
terminating in a bluntish point, rugose, pubescent on
both sides. Petioles shorter than the leaves, channelled
on the upper side, and convex on the lower,
pubescent. Flower spikes long, the flowers
purple, and leaning to one side. Lra^tes on a v y
short footstalk, ovate, concave, pointed aud ciliate
about the length of the calyx. Pedicles shorter than
the bractes, villous. Calyx 2-lipped, entire,
enclosing the seeds, the upper lip Arming a kmd of
cap. Corolla tubular, ringent, villous, helmet 3-lobed,
upper lobe round, emarginate, side *’ ’
tewer lip emarginate, its sides a little f fleeted J «-
mens 4, inserted in the tube, 2 longer than the others
filaments declining, very hairy;
fringed. Style smooth, shorter than the stamens.