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AS ARUM virginicum.
Virginian Asarabacca.
Natural Order. AristolochivE. Brovm prodr. 349.
ASARUM. Perianthium coloratura, urceolatum, 3-s.
4-fidum, germini insidens. Stamina 12 brevia, germini impo-
sita ; antherse mediis filamentis adnatse. Stylus brevis ; stigma
stellatum 6-partitum. Capsula 6-locularis.
A. virginicum, foliis solitariis rotundato-cordatis obtusis glabris
petiolatis, perianthium extus glabrum breviter campanulatum.
Asarum virginicum. Mich. flor. amer. 1. p . 279. Willden.
sp. p i. 2. p . 838. Pers. syn. 2. p . 1. Pursh, fl. amer. sept,
p . 597. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p . 141.
Perennial. R o o t tufted. Branches very short,
1-leafed, 1-flowered. Leaves roundly cordate, obtuse,
entire, smooth and shining, strongly veined underneath,
and marked with white on the upper side,
similar to Cyclamen vernum, or persieum. Petiole
long and slender, furrowed on the upper side, and
convex on the lower. Bractes 2, cucullate, fringed,
one double the size of the other. Flowers on short
footstalks. Peduncle cylindrical, 1-flowered, smooth,
or slightly pubescent. Perianthium short, campanulate,
trifid, smooth on the outside, of a pale brown
colour, segments straight, obtuse; inside dark purple,
rugged and plaited below the mouth; segments spotted
with white, pubescent. Stamens 12, short, every
other one longest, seated on the germen. Style
scarcely any. Stigma stellately 6-parted, segments
F 2