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IBERIS Tenoreana.
Tenore's Candy-tuft.
D C . syst. nat. 2. p. 139.
Supra fol. 46.
Natural Order. C r u c i f e ræ .
Subordo I. P l e u r o r h i z e æ .
IB E R IS . Supra fo l. 50.
Sect. I. I b e r id ium . Radícula descendens. Semen im-
marrinatum. Sepiww simplex. D C . p r o d r .l. p .\7 9 .
§ 1 . PeàicàWs fructiferis corymbosis, cawWhxis suffrutescen-
tibus perennïbus.
I Tenoreana, basi suffrutescens puberula, foliis subcarnosis
' crenatis : inferioribus obovatis basi attenuatis ; snperiorfous
oblongo-linearibus, siìiculis subcorymbosis emarginatis. DC.
Syst. nat. 2. p . 404. Prodr. 1. p . 179.
Iberis cepemfolia. Tenor, prod. fl. nap. p . xxxvii. non. Ltn.
R o o t perennial. Stems short, suffruticose at the
base, branching ; branches 2 to 4 inches in length,
slightly pubescent; side ones prostrate, ascending,
middle ones erect. Leaves fleshy, slightly toothed, or
crenate, slightly ciliate at the base ; lower ones attenuated
at the base into a kind of footstalk, obovate,
blunt ; upper ones oblong, or inclining to linear, obtuse.
Flowers umbellate, white, (sometimes purple, according
to Decandolle.) Pedicles close together, densely
pubescent. Calyx of 4 sepals, which are short, oblong,
concave, obtuse, tipped with red, or purple. P e tah 4,
unequal, oblongly obovate, the outer ones 2 or 3 times
lai-o-er than the inner. Stamens 6, 2 shorter than the
otliers ; filaments slender, smooth, attached to the
back of the anthers, Silicles rounded at the base,
8 J)oMau’- íÁtMi. del :Ju.ie ly Jzvezt PiirJeeee m i A JaJjy x-tuJji