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VERONICA neglecta.
Canescent Speedwell.
Naturai Order. S c r o p h u la r in ìe . Brown prodr.
Sect. 1. Stamina duo antherifera. Capsula bilocularis.
V E RO NICA . Supra fol. 23.
V. neglecta, spicis terminalibus cano-pubescentibus, foliis serratis
cauleque canescenti-tomentosis ; radicalibus petiolatis
oblongis obtusis; caulinis oppositis alternisve lanceolatis
utrinque attenuatis basi integerrimis.
Veronica neglecta. ValiL Willd. enum. v. 1. p . 15. Jxoem.
et Schult. syst, 1. p. 92. Sweet hort. sub. lond. p. 4,
Veronica canescens. Schrad. ver. 19, Link enum. i . p. 21.
Root perennial. Stems prostrate at the base, then
ascending, afterwards erect, thickly clothed with a
white tomentum. Leaves canescent, serrate, but
entire at the base ; lower ones with long foOt-stalks,
oblong, bluntish; stem leaves opposite, lanceolate,
pointed at both ends, upper ones alternate, those
next the flowers nearly entire. Spikes several,
terminal, the middle one much the longest, often a foot
in length, hoary. Bractes subulate, lower ones a little
longer than the flowers, upper ones about the length ot
the calyx, canescent, as are the pedicles and calyx.
Pedicles very short. Calyx 4-parted, 2 lower segments
deeply divided, subulately linear, nearly twice the
length of the upper ones, which are ovate and blunt.
Corolla subrotate; tube shorter than the calyx; limb
4-parted, unequal, spreading, of a bright blue colour;
segments entire, some lanceolate, acute, others ovate,
and blunt. Stamens 2. Filaments longer than the