branches. Flowers scattered, solitary, or in pairs,
distant, of a dark bine colour. Pedicles about the
length of the calyx. Calyx 4-cleft, segments scarcely
as long as the tu b e ; upper one longest, emarginate ;
lower ones acute. Corolla papilionaceous: petals 4,
nearly equal, connivent, unguiculate, eared above the
unguis, the inner ones of a lighter colour: vexilluni
shorter than the petals, nriguiculate, emarginate, channelled
inside, and keeled at the back, sides scarcely
reflexed. Stamens 10: filaments distinct, smooth,
nearly as long as the petals, included between them,
attached to the back of the anthers : anthers 2-celled :
pollen j'ellow. Style smooth. Stigma a simple point.
The present stately perennial plant is a native of
North America, and was introduced from thence in
the year 1812, by the late Mr. John Lyons, at the sale
of whose plants it was sold by the name of Podalyria
exallata ; we vyere afraid that it was again lost to our
collections, until we were agreeably surprised, the year
before last, in seeing it growing very strong, and
flowering luxuriantly, in the Apothecaries’ Garden, at
Chelsea, where our drawing was taken. It is readily
distinguished from B. australis, by its much stronger
and upright growth; the latter species was growing
beside it in the same collection, so that the difference
was readily perceptible; we do not know that the
present species exists in any other collection. It succeeds
well in the open air, in the common garden soil;
and we have no doubt but it might be increased by
dividing at the root, in the same manner as B. australis;
we also believe it would produce perfect seeds, if pains
were taken to fertilize the stigmas with the pollen,
when in bloom
1. Calyx. 2. The 2 aim, or wings, of the Corolla. 3. The Keel spread open.
4. yexdlum. / The 10 Stamens. 6. The same spread open. 7. The young
Pod terminated by a smooth Style, and simple Stigma. > 8