the length of the stamens. Stigma 3-lobed, sessile,
double crested, waved, deeply channelled, and fringed
round the edges.
We agree with Willdenow in considering the broad
leaved pubescent Tulip as a distinct species, both from
T. suaveolens and T. Qesneriana-, perhaps it is hybrid
between the two, as it is as near as possible intermediate.
Like the latter species it varies in colour,
scarcely any two being exactly alike; and they are
distinguished by different names by the Florists, as
the Clarimond, Bruids van Haarlem, R e d and
Yellow Pottebakker, ^c. It agrees with T. suaveolens
in its pubescent stem, but its habit is more like T. Ges-
neriana; the time of flowering is between the tw'o.
At any rate they are very ornamental plants for the
Flower-garden, and require the same treatment as the
more common species, succeeding well in a light rich
soil ; they are also very proper for forcing in pots, as
they come in flower early, so that they force well ; as
soon as they have done flowering, and the leaves are
beginning to fade, the bulbs should be taken out of the
ground, and kept dry till Spring.
1. One of the Stamens, with the filament Joined to the back of the anther.
2. Filament separated from the antlier. 3. Anther divested of the filament.
4. Germen terminated by the S-lobcd Stigma.