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YUCCA glaucescens.
Glaucescent Adams Needle.
Natural Order. T ulipaceal. Kunth Synops. 1. p. 292.
YU C C A . Perianthium campanulatum, laciniis rectis non
iiectariferis. Stamina filamentis supernè crassioribus ; antheris
minimis. Stylus 0 ; stigma sessile. Capsula oblonga, obtuse
3-gona ; semina plana. Caulis suhnullus aut caudice assurgente
fruticosus; fo lia confertia terminalia, ensiformia apice spinoso
flores spicati aut paniculati, terminales, bispathacei. Juss.
gen. 49.
Y qlaucescens, foliis lineari-lanceolatis inteprrimis concavis
giaucescentibus strictis; margine rarissime filamentosis, petalis
interioribus sesquilatioribus, caule erecto ramoso.
Yucca glaucescens. Haworth supp. plant, succ. p.
Astemless species. Leaves several, spreading all
round, middle ones upright, from 12 to 18 indies long,
and 1 broad; linearly-lanceolate, straight, rigid, taperin
«- at both ends, concave, particularly towards the
point, which terminates in a sharp horny spine, of a
dull glaucous colour; margin entire, with here and
there a slender white filiferous thread from 3 lines to
2 inches in length, a little twisted. Flower-stem from
3 to 4 feet in height, much branched towards the
p o in t; branches short, thickly clothed wuth flowers
Lg u la r, channelled, densely • covered with a short
white down. Flowers generally in pairs, the terminal
ones solitary, of a greenish white, tinged ""'th
Bractes sphacelate, membranaceous, sheathing at the
base, ovately lanceolate, concave, acute, ot a giey