CLAYTONIA sibirica.
Siberian Claytonia.
Naturai Order. P o r t u l a c e a : . J uss. gen. 312.
C L A Y T O N IA . Calyx 2-valvis. Pelala o subunguicu-
lata. Stamina 5, unguibus petalorum inserta ; antherse incum-
bentes. Stylus 1; stigmata 3. Capsula 3-valvis, 1-locularis,
3-sperma. Herba; ; folia radicalia; scapus opposite 2-phyllus,
apice racemoso-muUijlorus.
C. sibirica, foliis nervosis: radicalibus caulinisque ovatis, racemo
secundo, petalis bifidis. Willd. sp. pi. 1. jp. 1186. ^
Claytonia sibirica. Pers. syn. 1.
V. 2. p . 53. llcem. et Schult. syst. 5. p . 435. Botan. magaz.
2 2i3.
Perennial. Herbaceous. Roots i M Branches
short, numerous, much crowded together. Leaves
succulent, ovate, bluntish, deeply X
«•lossy ; lower ones petiolate, and attenuated down the
petiole; upper ones, or those on the scape ®essile, the
two lower ones opposite. d^^ sheAhinir
on the upper side, dilated at the base, and sheathing
the stem. Scapes axillary, declining, smooth and
glossy, g e n e r a l l y terminated with 2 racemes of flowers
Sue of them beginning to flower about the tune the
other appears. Racemes secund, or leaning to one
side drooping till the flowers expand, then becoming
erect. Pedicles intermixed with the bracte like leaves,
"ender, smooth and glossy Catyx 2-valveff Sepals
cordate, concave, bluntish. Petals 5, bifid, of a
bright lilac, streaked, and lightest at the edges.