iVJALCOMIA littorea.
Tomentose Malcomia.
Natural Order. C r u c i f e ræ . D C . reg. veg. syst. nat.
V. 2. p . 139.
MALCOMIA. Supra fol. 40.
M. littorea, caule multiplici erecto, foliis lanceolato-linearibus
subintegris, tomento brevi canis, pedicellis calycis longitudine,
siliquis incanis. D C . loc. cit. p. 443.
Malcomia littorea. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p . 121. Hort.
sub. lond. 147.
Malcolmia littorea. Link enum. 2. p . 167.
Cheiranthus littoreus. Willden. sp. pl.^ 3. p. 521.
Hesperis littorea. Lam. diet. 3. p . 322.
Biennial. Stems several from the same root, simple,
or sometimes branched, from 6 inches to a foot in
height, upright, or slightly spreading, cylindrical,
thickly clothed with a short white close-pressed tomentum,
as are the leaves, peduncles, and calyx.
Leaves lanceolately linear, blunt, attenuated to the
base, entire, or distantly toothed. Racemes several-
flowered, terminal, erect, without bractes. Pedicles
slender, about the length of the calyx. Calyx of
4 sepals, con invent, 2-gibbous at the b a se ; sepals
linear, concave, bluntish, every other one largest.
Petals 4, unguiculate, the unguis a little longer than
the calyx; lamina obovate, or obcordate, emarginate,
of a bright lilac, lighter at tlie base. Stamens G,
inserted in the receptacle, 4 long, and 2 sh o rt; fila ments
smooth, attached to the anthers a little above
p 2
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