JnA cUb Jtär ly 91 / ÍQ21. A 2.iAAjy Acicljv
WULFENIA carinthiaca.
Carinthian Wulfenia.
Natural Order. S crophulariNjE, Brown prodr. 433.
Sect. I. Stamina duo antherifera. Capsula bilocularis.
W U L F E N IA . Calyx 5-partitus. Corolla ringens: labio
superiore brevi integro ; inferiore 3-partito, fauce barbata.
Capsula 2-locularis. Folia radicalia obovata obtusa, Flores
pedunculati, secundi, carulei.
Wulfenia carinthiaca. Jacq. misceli. 2. p. 62. t. 8. / . 1. Icon,
rar. 1. t. 2. Pers. syn. 1. p . 14. Willd. enum. 1. p . 24.
PLoem. et Schult. 1. 177. Link enum. 1. p . 27. Hort. sub.
lond. Addenda.
Pæderota Wulfenia. Lamarck encycl. t. 1 3 . / . 2.
Perennial. Leaves radical, tufted, spreading flat
on the ground, younger ones erect, obovate, obtuse,
slender at the base, notched with rounded blunt cre-
natures, which are again slightly notched. Scape
erect, smooth, leafy; the leaves small, sessile, clasping
the stem, acute, margins bent backwards. Spike
at first nodding, afterwards becoming erect, and growing
to a considerable length. Flowers of a bright
blue, leaning to one side. Pedicles short. Calyx
5-parted ; laciniae unequal, lanceolate, acute. Corolla
ringent; upper lip short, entire, sliglitly crenulate;
lower lip 3-parted, densely bearded in the mouth,
segments rounded, with a small point, side ones
largest. Stamens 2, inserted in the tube, and included
within the mouth : filaments smooth ; anthers incums