RENEALMIA grandiflora.
L.argest-Jlowered Renealmia.
Natural Order, I r i d e ì E. Brown prodr. 302.
R EN E A LM IA . Perianthium 6-partitum, regalare ; foliolis
interioribus majoribus, basi angustatis. Filamenta infrà connata
V. distincta, supra patentia. Stigmata 3, involuta-filiformia,
acuta. Capsula obovato-clavata. Semina angulata. Inflorescentia
subpaniculata, fasciculorum spathis abbreviatis.
Herbee sylvicolce, glabra. Radix fibrosa, nunc e rhizomate.
Folia graminea, laxa, nervosa. Caulis teretiusculus quandoque
divisus. Fasciculi alterni, umbellati, spathis persistentibus.
Perianthium album, patulum, citò deciduum ; foliolis exterion-
bus extus sapiàs virescentibus ; interioribus sapè unguiculatis.
Capsula membranacea. Semina biseriata, atra. Brown prodr.
A d d e n d a , p. 591.
R. grandiflora, caule paniculate, foliis (10-18-unc.) nervosis
margine scabriusculis, perianthii foliolis exterioribus ovali-
oblongis : interioribus 3-plo majoribus obovato-oblongis sub-
unguiculatis, filamentis basi connatis.
Renealmia grandiflora. Brown p ro d r . ADDENDA in Ob s .
Perennial. Stem short, much hranched at the hase.
Leaves fan-like or distichous, sheathing at the hase,
narrowly sword-shaped, taper-pointed, roughish on
the edges, many-nerved, of a lively green edged with a
yellowish-hrown, from 10 to 18 inches in length;
sheaths membranaceous, of a brownish orange colour.
Scape erect, scarcely as long as the leaves, nearly
cylindrical or slightly flattened, smooth, of a purplish
colour. Flowers white, panicled. Sheaths leaf-like,
lower one longer than the pedicles, upper ones shorter.
Pedicles cylindrical, gradually thickening upwards, of
a purplish colour, with a small membranaceous bracte
attached near the base. Germen bluntly trigonal,
uneven. Perianthium 6-parted, seated on the germen
: outer leaflets oval or oblong, bearded at the
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