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HYOSCYAMUS orientalis.
Oriental Henbane.
Natural Order. SolANEÆ, J uss. gen. 124.
H YO SC Y AM U S . Calyx tubulosus 5-fidus. Corolla in-
fundibuliformis, obtusa. Stamina 5, inclinata. Stigma capitatum.
Capsula operculata, 2-locularis. Herbæ ; Miajloralia
sape geminata ; flores solitarii axillares v. aggregati terminales,
sape secundi.
II orientalis, foliis ovatis repando-dentatis integerrimisve acutis
pubescentibus, floribus terminalibus aggregatis; calycibus
oblongis pubescentibus, caule villoso.
Hyoscyamus orientalis. Marsch. Bieb. flor. taur. cauc. v. 1.
Rcem. et Schult. syst. 4. p. 312. Link enum. v. 2. p . 178.
Root perennial. Stems several, springing from the
same root, simple, erect, slightly angular, furrowed,
thickly clothed with unequal villous hairs. Leaves
ovate, repandly-dentate, or entire, attenuated down the
petiole, pointed, glossy ; veins hairy. Petiole downy,
shorter than the blade of the leaf. Flowers terminal,
aggregate, trichotomously-corymbose, of a brownish
lilac colour. Braetes ovate, obtuse, downy. Peduncles
scarcely as long as the calyx, villous. Calyx
oblong, 5-toothed, ribbed, downy. Corolla funnel-
form, 5-cleft, ribbed, downy; segments obtuse. Stamens
5, inserted into the tube. Filaments villous at
the base, and smooth upwards; at first, included in
the tube, but, at length, g r o w i n g b e y o n d the iBOuth.
Anthers sagittate, incumbent, 2-celled. Pollen bluish,
or ash-coloured. Germen slightly hairy, or sometimes
smooth. Stigma capitate, emarginate.
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