n i . i r / r
incumbent; pollen whitish. Germen superior. Style
smooth, scarcely as long as the stamens. Stigma 1,
very small, capitate. Seed 1, enclosed in the persistent
This pretty little Alpine plant is very proper for
ornamenting rock-work, or for planting on a naked
bank, where its prostrate branches will grow to some
distance, and by its numerous leaves and young
branches, will make a pretty green tuft, which, in
July and August, will be beautified by its elegant little
heads of handsome blue flowers. It may also be
grown with advantage in a small pot, where it will
bloom very vyell. It is a native of mountainous and
Alpine situations in various parts of Europe, and is
quite hardy, thriving best in a light sandy soil, and
rather a dry situation, being apt to rot and die at the
root, if the ground in which it is planted be too moist.
It maybe increased by dividing at the root; or cuttings
planted under hand-glasses in Spring, will strike root,
and make nice young plants by Autumn; when rooted,
they should be hardened to the air by degrees ; at first,
taking off the glass at night and keeping it on by day;
they may then be potted, and protected in a dry situation
through the Winter.
Our drawing was taken from a plant received from
the Nursery of Mr. Knight, of the King’s Road.
4 2. Scale of the chaff. 3. Calyx
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