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9 Aoifey
Fischer’s Dragon’s-head.
Naturai Order. Labiata:. Brown prodr. 499.
D R A C O C E PH A LUM . Supra fol. 38.
D arqunense, floribus verlicillato-spicatis subcapitatis, foliis
lineari-lanceolatis obtusis integerrimis margine scabris,
bracteis elliptico-lanceolatis acuminatis.
Dracocephalum argunense. Fischer Mss. Link enum. 2. p. 118.
Peremiial Stems several from the same root,
branching a little, obtusely 4-sided, pubescent, from a
foot to 18 inches in height. Leaves linearly lanceolate,
entire, bluntish, with rough edges, attenuated into a
kind of footstalk at the base, smooth and glossy on
the upper, and slightly pubescent on the lower side.
Flowers in a whorled spike, terminated in a kind ot
head, of a bright blue colour. Bractes 4, at the base
of each whorl, elliptically lanceolate, taper-pomted,
entire. Pedicles short and flat, slightly pubescent.
Calyx 5-cleft, striated with numerous shallow furrows ;
segments lanceolate, acute, of a purplish colour, upper
one more than double the size of the others. Corolla
tubular, inflated at the mouth, 2-lipped, hairy within
and without; upper lip, or helmet, emarpnate concave,
very hairy on both sides ; lower lip globed ;
end lobe very broad, obcordate, sides doubled m,
spotted inside with numerous small purple spots ; side
lobes small, rounded, sides reflexed. Stamens 4,
inserted in the mouth, 2 a little longer than the others,
declining; filaments bearded with long white hairs,