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CYCLAMEN vernum.
Vernal Cyclamen.
Natural Order. P rimulaceaü. Brovm prodr. 427.
C YC LAM EN . Calyx 5-fidus. Corolla rotata, reflexa,
tubo brevissimo : fauce prominente. Stamina 5 ; antherai conniventes.
Stigma 1. Bacca tecta capsula. Scapi 1-^ori ;
flores nutantes.
C. vernum. subcaulescens, foliis cordatis subcrenulatis apice
emarginatis ; sinu subclauso, corollse laciniis oblongo-ovatis,
stylo exserto.
Cyclamen vernum minus orbiculato folio inferne rubente, flore
minore ruberrimo. Mor. hist. Lesser spring Sowbread with
roundish leaves of a reddish colour underneath, with small
deep red flowers. Miller’s Gard. diet. ed. 3. Cyclamen
No. 4.
Cyclamen vernale. Steud. nomen. p . 247.
Cyclamen Coum. Loddiges’ Bot. cab. no. 108. nec aliorum.
Root tuberous, round and flat, not unlike aTurnep ;
of a reddish brown colour. Stems short, rough,
branched, and clothed with numerous leaves and
flowers. Xeaues cordate, concave, slightly crenulate,
emarginate, upper side green, marked with an unequal
circle of white, underneath of a reddish purple; sinus
overlapping at the base. Petioles longer than the leaves,
nearly cylindrical, crooked, very slender near the base.
Peduncles reaching a little above the leaves, gradually
tapering upwards, 1-flowered. Flowers nodding, of
a rosy red colour, darker near the mouth, where there
is a white circle, inside striped with red. Calyx
5-cleft, pubescent; segments lanceolate, acute, slightly
keeled. Corolla rotate, reflexed; segments ovate, or
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