CYPRIPEDIUM parviflomm.
Small-flowered Ladies’ Slipper.
Natural Order. Orchideæ. Brown prodr. 309.
C Y P R IP E D IU M . Supra fol. 71.
C. parviflorum, caule folioso, lobo styli triangulari acuto,
perianthii foliolis exterioribus ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis:
interioribus linearibus contortis basi intus dense barbatis,
labello subsulcato foliolis breviore compresso.
Cypripedium parviflorum. Pers. syn. 2. p. 525. Botan. magaz.
911. Pursh. k amer. 2. p. 594. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5.
p. 221. Salisb. in Linn, trans. 1. p. 77. t. 2. / . 2. Willden.
sp. p i. 4. p. 143.
Stem flexuose, striated, pubescent. Leaves o or 6,
of a thill texture, alternate, sessile, clasping the stem
at the base, spreading, their points a little twisted and
recurved, oblongly lanceolate, taper-pomted, loiigitudi-
nallv nerved and plaited, furrowed on the upper side,
downy. FZorcer solitary, nodding. Pedunde scaxcety
as long as the leaf, densely pubescent. Bracte 1, a
little below the germen, leaf-like, lanceolate, taper-
pointed, twisted, a little longer than the leaflets ot the
perianthium. Pedicle very short, enc osed m the
jracte. Germen angular, not twisted, densely pubescent.
Leaflets o f the Perianthium of a yellowish
green, marked with numerous brown spots and lines .
2 outer ones ovately lanceolate, taper-pomted, the upper
one erect, twisted, lower one straight, dependent,
shorter than the labellum ; inner ones longer, linear-
attenuated, spreading, slightly deflexed, much twisted
point bluntish, densely bearded iiiside with long whit
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