NEMOPHILA phacelioides.
Phacelia-like Nemophila.
Natural Order. H y d r o p h y l l e ìE. Brown.
N EM O PH ILA . Calyx iofems, persistens, 10-fidus; laciniis
alternis reflexis. Corolla campanulata, 5-loba; lobis
emarginatis. Nectarium foveol® 10 ad marginem faucis.
Stamina brevia. Anthera, lunat®. Capsula unilocularis.
Semina 4, unum supra alterum receptaculis duobus parietalibus
inserta. (^Ovarium uniloculare, placentis duabns parietalibus
dispermis, ovulis distantibus. Capsula unilocularis, placentis
carnosis, axi longitudinali dorsali affixis, cffiterum solutis, seper-
ficie ventrali seminiferis. Brown M SS.) Bot. mag. 2373.
Nemopbila phacelioides.
magaz. 2373.
Barton jl. americ. 61. Botan.
B o o t biennial ? or, perhaps, annual ? Stems succulent,
erect, much branched ; branches forked, acutely
triangular, occasioned by the decurrent leaves, having
3 flat, or rather convex sides ; angles hairy, the hairs
recurved. Leaves alternate, pinnatifid, slightly hairy,
succulent, of a lig h t green colour; segments oblong,
oblique, some bluntish, others acute, finely cihate ;
lower ones distant, more or less lobed. Petioles
shorter than the leaves, decurrent down the stem,
concave on the upper side, and convex on the lower,
ciliate, with a fascicle of long white hairs at the base.
Peduncles solitary, cylindrical, tapering upwards,
1-flowered, sometimes opposite to the leaf, more
frequently on one side, sometimes axillary, or a little
above it, smooth, or with here and there a hair scattered
on it. Calyx inferior, persistent, 10-cleft ; segments
oblongly-lanceolate, acute, ciliate, every other