f i
f é
OROBUS albus.
White-flowered Bitler-Vetch.
Naturai Order. L eg um in o sìe . J uss. gerì. 345.
Di«. V II. (PAPILIONACEX.) Corolla irregularis papilionacea.
Stamina decem diadelpha. Legumen uniloculare bivalve.
'^^OROb ÌjS.' Calyx tubulosus, basi obtusus, linibo 5-dentatus
dentibus 2-supernis brevioribus et profundioribus. y us
linearis ; stigma superne villosum. Legumen oblon^m poly-
spermum seminibus rotundis. Caulis sape erectus- o ®
,jugata, aut hijuga aut pinnata. Stipula; auriculata. 1 lores
spicati axillares et terminales. Juss. gen. 360.
O. alhus, foliis bijugis ensiformibus petiolatis, stipulis lanceolatis
semisagittatis, caule simplici superne alato.
Orobus albus. Willden. sp. p i. 3. p . 1075. 1 ers. syn. 2.
» .3 0 3 . Hor t. sul. l o n d .p . lG L
Orobus pannoiiicus. Jacq. aust. 1. p . ¿0. t. à j.
Root tuberous, braucbing. Stems several from the
same root, simple, erect, slender, tnquetrous r
smooth and glossy, from 1 to 2 feet high. Leaves
pinnate, producing 2 pair of leaflets, or rarely 3 pan
mt the lower part of the stem,- leaflets X ^ ^ 'P ^ u t e
opposite or . alternate, linear or ensifoim, a c ^
smooth ; on the upper part of th p t
long; on the lower part, -about ha f the length, l e
Holes w\de, d e e p l y channelled on the upper side, and
keeled on the lower. Stipules seimsagittate, tapei-
nointed ioined to the base of the footstalk; on the
lower part of the stem ovate, and on the vipper part
lanceolate. Racemes short, axillary, the Aoweij all
leaning to one side. Peduncles very long and slendei,
G 2
I., f.