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unguicul^e. Stamens 5, inserted in the claws of the
petals. Filaments declining. Anthers red, iucmnbent.
smooth. Stigmas 3, blunt, slightly reflexed.
A handsome little perennial plant, attaining but a
few inches m height, and very desirable for ornamenting
rock-work or planting at the front of flower-borders
; it may also be cultivated with advantage in small
pots, and will continue to flower the greater part of
the Summer; it prefers a light sandy soil, and may be
increased by cuttings, which soon strike root if planted
m a shady situation; it also produces seeds, by which
a sufficient quantity may be raised
Drawn at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from a plant
raised last year from seed, sent by Dr. Fischer, from
the Botanic Garden at Gorenki.
S t L Z ! style,