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HYOSCYAMUS physaloides.
Purple-flowered Henbane.
Natural Order. S o l a n eæ . J uss. gen. 124.
H Y O SC Y AM U S . Supra fo l. 12.
H. physaloides, foliis ovatis acutis répandis integerrimis glabris,
floribus terminalibus, calycibus inflatis angulatis glabris, sta-
minibus corolla parum brevioribus.
Hyoscyamus physaloides. Willden. sp. p i. 1. p . 1012. enum.
229. Pers. syn. 1. p . 217. Botan. magaz. 852. Hort.
Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. p . 389. Roem. et Schult. syst. 4. p . 312.
Ro o t perennial, herbaceous. Stems several from
the same root ; angular, smooth and glossy, of a pale
purple colour, seldom attaining a foot m height.
Leaves alternate, ovate, acute, entire, repand, attenuated
down the petiole, smooth and glossy, purple
whilst young, afterwards changing to green on the
upper side, and purplish underneath. Petwles shorter
than the leaves, smooth and shining. Flowers terminal,
paniculately corymbose, of a bright bluish
purple Braetes of various sizes, some as long as the
peduncles, others not half the length, lanceolate, acute,
concave. Peduncles purplish, about half the length
of the calyx, with a few hairs scattered on them here
and there. Calyx 5-cleft, tubular, inflated, 10-^gled,
reticulately veined, smooth ; segments fringed. Corolla
of a bright blue purple, funnel-form ; tube slender at
the base, gradually widening upwards, mside thickly
clothed with hairs at the base of the filaments ; bolder
5-cleft, spreading, segments blunt and rounded.