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LIATRIS sphæroidea.
Glohiilar-cupped Liatris.
Natural Order. Compositæ. Adanson fam. 2. 103.
Sect. II . CARDUACEÆ. Div. 5. Vernoniaceee.
L IA T R IS . Supra fol. U .
L. sphceroidea, caule simplici pubescente, foliis lævibus subfalcatis
obtusiusculis : inferioribus petiolatis lato-lanceolatis ;
superioribus lanceolato-linearibus, floribus racemosis solitariis
alternis subglobosis, involucri foliolis rotundato-obovatis concavis
margine membranaceis ciliatis.
Liatris sphæroidea. Mich. Jlor. amer. 2. p. 92. Pursh. fl.
amer. sept. 2. p . 609. Hurt. sub. lond. p. 180.
R o o t tuberous. Stems simple, erect, pubescent,
2 to 3 feet high. Leaves quite smooth, numerously
junctate, of a dark green, more or less falcate, bluntish ;
ower ones petiolate, broadly lanceolate; upper ones
lanceolately-linear, sessile, slender at the base, more
or less twisted, /¿acmes long, many-flowered. Flowers
solitary, alternate, rather crowded, upper ones opening
first. Peduncles short and thick, pubescent. Involucre
nearly globular; leaflets loose and spreading,
roundly obovate, concave, ciliate, margins white and
transparent, sometimes tinged with red, scariose; inner
ones narrower, spatulate. Receptacle slightly convex,
naked, punctate. Florets large, from 25 to 30, tubular,
5-cleft, of a bright pink, or lilac ; tube scarcely as
long as the pappus, villous inside; laciniae lanceolate,
acute, spreading, more than half the length of the tube.
Stamens 5, inserted iu the tu b e ; filaments slender,
distinct, glandularly pubescent; anthers connected