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TAXANTHEMA tatarica.
Tartarian Sea Lavender.
Natural Order. P lum b a g in eæ . Brown prodr. 425.
T A X A N TH EM A . Calyx infundibuliformis, limbo scarioso,
5-plicato, 5-dentato. Coro/Za 5-petala, v. 5-partita. Stamina 5,
unguibus petalorum inserta. S ty li5 , rarò 3, distincti. Capsula
evalvis, membranacea. Semen albuminosum. Spicoe secundæ,
floribus 2-3-bracteatis. Herbse v. Suffrutices. Caule scapove
diviso. Brown prodr. 426.
T. talarica, scapo ramoso divaricato ; ramis triquetris, floribus
distantibus, foliis lanceolato-obovato mucronatis.
Statice tatarica. Willden. sp. p i. 1. p . 1527. Pei's. syn. 1.
p . 333. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 2. p . 182.
Statice foliis lanceolatis mucronatis radicalibus, caule ancipiti
dichotomo, floribus alternis distantibus. Gmel. sihir. 2.
p . 223. t. 92.
Perennial. Root large, fusiform, branching. Leaves
lanceolate, or lanceolately obovate, slightly undulate,
mucronate, attenuated to the base, into a kind of
footstalk ; much veined, of a hoary white colour, the
base tinged with red, as are the young leaves ; margins
cartilaginous, roughish. Flower-stems several, from a
foot to 13 inches in height, 3-sided, very much
branched ; branches 3-sided, flexuose, all leaning one
way, paniculately branching, and spreading in all
directions, each enclosed at the base by a lanceolate,
taper-pointed, keeled bracte. Spikes secund, the
flowers all leaning to one side, rather distant, alternate,
solitary, or in pairs, surrounded by 2 or 3 bractes, one
of whicli is simple, lanceolate, taper-pointed, and
keeled ; the others 3-forked, and acute, membranaceous
at the base. Calyx funnel-form, with a scariose,
5-plaited, 5-toothed limb, of a white colour, with