bent, 2-celled. Capsule sinootli, cylindrical. Styles 2.
smooth. Stigmas 2, red and feathered
This plant, as Mr. Milne noticed to us, is as near
as possible intermediate between D. barbatus and
D chtnensis. It differs from the former, in its flowers
not being fascicled and double the size, in the scales of
the calyx being broader, and in its more compact and
shorter growth ; from the latter, it differs altogether in
haint, but Its flowers are very similar; it is a very
ornamental herbaceous perennial, and continues to
flower the greater part of the Summer, and till late in
Autumn ; it scarcely attains to a foot in height, oftener
being only 6 or 8 inches; but that depends chiefly on
the situation where it grows. It delights in a light rich
garden sod, m a dryish situation, as it would be apt
to rot If the ground was too moist; it is also a very
proper plant tor ornamenting rock work, in which it
would appear to great advantage. It may be increased
by cuttings planted under a hand-glass in the
open ground m a shady situation; hut they must be
planted thinly or they will damp off; when rooted,
they must be hardened to the air by degrees, and may
then be planted where they are to remain
taken at the Nursery of Messrs.
bei la s f’ of Fulham, in Septem-
I . Stamens and pistils divested of the corolla and calvx 2 TI.e i n .r..™