GLOBULARIA vulgaris.
Common Globularia, or Blue Daisy.
Natural Order. G lobula r iNzE . Link enum.l. p .\2 3 .
G LO B U L A R IA . Calyx tubulosus 5-fidus persistens.
Corolla tubulosa, 5-loba, insequalis ; laciniis 2 superioribus
minimis. iSiamina 4, tubo inserto (laciniis alterna ?) Germen
superum ; stylus 1 ; stigma 1. Semen 1, calyce connivente
tectum. Flores aggregati in calyce communi polyphyllo hemis-
phaerico supra receptaculum commune paleaceum.
Gaulis herbaceus simplex, apice 1-Jlorus ; folia radicalia sape
spatulata, emarginato-acuminata ; caulina parva aut subnulla.
Discrepat G. Alypum calyce communi turbinato plurimum im-
bricato, corolla ligulatà tridentata, stigmate 2-fido, caule fru tescente
ramoso, habitu Protece ; an ^enus diversum ? Globularia
a Monopetalis Jiypogynis et ideò a Lysimachiis distinctissima
semine nudo et forum dispositione et habitu, indi Statice extàs
similis non tamen affinis, similior f o r ti Proteis sed corollata,
unica in suo ordine nondùm cognito, huic tanquàm viciniori nunc
adjuncta. Juss. gen. 97.
G, vulgaris, caule herbáceo, foliis radicalibus tridentatis ; caulinis
lanceolatis. Willden. sp. p i. 1. p . 540.
Globularia vulgaris. Pers. syn. 1. p . 118. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.
V. 1. p . 222. Rcem. et Schult. syst. 3. 39. Link enum. 1.
p . 123. Schkuhr. handb. 1. p. 65. t. 21. Botan. magaz. 2256.
R oqI perennial. Branches numerous, short, tufted.
Leaves smooth and glossy; lower ones petiolate, ovate,
oblong, or spatulate, obtuse, generally terminated with
3 short bluntish teeth; stem-leaves scattered, small,
sessile, lanceolate, or oblong, entire, acute. Flower-
stern from 4 to 6 inches high, furrowed with numerous
shallow channels. Flowers in a flattish head, about
j 'j . Ky n fly hHx)