COMMELINA ccelestis.
Sky-blue Commelina.
Natural Order. CoMMELiNBiE. Brown prodr. 268.
COMMELINA. Perianthium se^partitam, insequale; folióla
3 exteriora extus calycina, persistentia ; interiora petaloidea,
unguiculata, decidua, tertia quandoque dissimili v. abor-
tiente. Stamiriasex.{v.5.) AntherarumS, (nunc 2-4) dissimiles:
vix polliniferse. Jnvolucrum monophyllum, conduplicatum
V. cucullatum, persistens, capsulas includens.
Herbae sape diffusa. Folia vagina integra. Pedunculus
apice fasciculatim multijlorus, floribus hermaphroditis : altero
exleriore unifloro masculo sapius stipatus. Brown prodr. 269.
C. ccdestis, corollis aequalibus, involucris cordatis acuminatis
conduplicatis, racemis multifloris, pedunculis pubescentibus,
pedicellis glabris, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis sessilibus glabris :
margine undulatis, vaginis ciliatis, caule erecto.
Comraelina coelestis. Willd. enum. v. l . />. 69. Link enum.
V. 1. p . 61. Hort. sub. lond. p. 12. Ream, et Schult. syst. 1.
p . 538. Steud. nom. p . 214.
Commelina tuberosa. Bot. mag. 1695.
Root perennial, composed of a fascicle of long
subcylindrical tubers. Stems several from the same
root, erect, smooth, slightly furrowed, not much
branched. Leaves sessile, sheathing the stem, oblongly
lanceolate, taper-pointed, undulate, smooth, but fringed
at the base, 7-nerved. Sheaths fringed. Peduneles
terminal and axillary, densely pubescent, scarcely as
long as the leaf. Involucre cordate, taper-pointed,
pubescent, doubled inwards so as to cover the flowers
before they expand. Raceme many-flowered, inclosed
in the involucre. Pedicles smooth, bent forward before
the flower expands, erect when expanded, afterwards
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