TULIPA pubescens.
Pubescenl-stalked Tulip.
Natural Order. Tulipaceíe. Kunth. Synops. 1. p . 292.
T U L IP A . Perianthium 6 -phyUnm, petalddeum, campanulatum;
folíola recta non nectarifera. Stamina 6, basi fo lo-
lorum inserta. Anthera posticse. Stylus 0 ; stigma sessile.
Capsula oblonga, obtuse trigona; semina plana.
Folia vaginantia radicalia; scapus \-fiorus erectus, pene
aphyllus. Juss. gen. 48.
T. pubescens, scapo pubescente, perianthii foliolis tribus exterioribus
acutis interioribus obtusis mucronatis, foliis oblongo-
lanceolatis venosis utrinque pubescentibus.
Tulipa pubescens. Willd. enum. supp. 17.
Tulipa suaveolens 0 latifolia. Botan, magaz. 2abb.
Root bulbous, about the size of a walnut, clojhtd
with a smooth brown scale, and terminated at the tiase
with a dense fascicle of small white fibres,
clasping the stem, a little waved, strongly veined, and
densely clothed on both sides with a short close mea y
pubescence; lower ones oblong, acute; upper ones
lanceolate, taper-pointed. Scape densely clothed wit
a white mealy pubescence, shorter than the leaves.
when the flowers first expand, but afterwards lengthening
beyond them. Perianthium of 6 leaflets, various
ill colour, 3 outer ones acute, inner ones obtuse, all
mucronate. Stamens 6, inserted in the base of the
leaflets; filaments flat, channelled on the inner side,
and convex on the outer, slightly pubescent; anthers
ioined to the filaments at their back, about the same
length, linear, acute. Germen obtusely-trigonal, about
X 2
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