' nltr.nu .Ar^rjJi. .-/. / A / iy 3 Afi.-- . '/. / /'li!'.
LOBELIA inflata.
Bladder-podded Lobelia.
Natural Order. L o b e l ia c e æ . Jussieu.
LO B E L IA . Corolla tubo hinc fisso (raro integro;) Ztmôo
5-partito. Antlieroe connatæ. Stigma bilobum (nnnc indivi-
sam.) Capsula bilocularis (raro 3-Iocularis,) apice supero bivalvi.—
Herbæ (v. Suffrutices) pleroeque lactescentes. Folia
alterna, integra v. laciniata, rarò fistulosa. Flores racemyi
terminales, v. axillares solitarii, pedicellis bibracteatis v. nudis.
Antheræ sapiàs barbata. Brown prodr. 562.
L. inflata, erecta, ramosa, hirsutissima, foliis ovatis serratis,
racemis foliosis, capsulis inflatis. Pursh fl. amer. sept. 2.
p. 448.
Lobelia inflata. Willden. sp. p i. 1. p. 946. Pers. syn- 2.
p 213. Nutt. gen. amer. 2. p. 77. Linn, in act. upsal. 1741.
p. 23. 1 .1. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. p . 359. RCem. et Schult.
syst. 5. p. 53.
Annual. Stem erect, branching, very hairy, pnrple
at the base, from 1 to 2 feet high ; branches slender,
spreading, hairy at the base, and smooth upwards.
Leaves ovate, sessile, running down the stem m a wing
dll each side, concave, acute, the margins folded inwards,
undulately serrate, the serratures tipped with
a kind of white glands, more or less hairy on both
sides, strongly nerved underneath, rugged. Flowers
in terminal leafv racemes. Peduncles slender, shorter
than the leaves," without bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, seated
on the inferior germen, segments linear, taper-pomtete
spreading, smooth, or scarcely pubescent. toroUa
pale blue ; tube longitudinally cleft on the upper .side.