PÆONIA lobata.
Lobed-leaved Poeony.
Natural Order. R a n u n c u l a c e æ . D C . syst. v. 1. p . 127.
Trib. V .? P æ o n i a Cë æ . Antheræ introrsæ ; an ordo pro-
prius. D C . prodr. 1. p . 64.
PÆ O N IA . Supra fo l. 19.
Sect. II. PÆON. Caulis herbaceus. Discus vix aut non
expansus et carpella irna basi tantùm circumdantia.
P. lobata, herbácea, carpelli« tomentosis ereotiusculis, foliorum
segmentis glabris decurrentibus pinnatipartitis apice triloba-
tis. D C . prodr. 1. p . 66.
Pajonia lobata. Desf. cat. hort. par. 126. D C . syst. 1. p . 39.
Stem erect, from 18 inches to two feet high, smooth.
Leaves ternate: leaflets pinnatifid, smooth or slightly
pubescent underneath, w'ith a few small hairs scattered
here and there on the nerves, decurrent: segments
ovate or oblong, bluntish, generally 3-lobed or toothed,
but sometimes entire; nerves underneath much
branched, prominent. Petioles smooth, channelled
on the upper side, and rounded on the lower. P e duncle
furrowed, gradually thickening upwards. In volucre
leaf-like, bractes 3-parted or entire, lanceolate,
acute. Calyx of 5 sepals: outer ones longest and
narrowest, acu te : inner ones orbicular, concave, edged
with red. Petals 8, bright red, inclining to scarlet,
with a white mark on one of the outer ones, nearly
orbicular, hollow or cupped inward, slightly notched
at the edges, outer ones largest. Stamens numerous,
surrounding the germens; filaments smooth, red at
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