Jjalien fimih- Axl Aj- U. f^AeM, j JuJg / 18J. U
PEDICULARIS canadensis.
Canadian Pedicularis.
Natural Order. S c r o p h u la r inæ . Brovm prodr. 4SB.
Sect. II. Stamina 4 antherifera.
P E D IC U L A R IS . CaZya:5-fidus. Corolla ringens. Capsula
bilocularis, mucronata, obliqua. Semina tunicata. Folia
opposita aut alterna, simplicia aut sapiàs pinnata ; flores oppositi
aut alterni, bracteati, spicati terminales.
P. canadensis, caule simplici, foliis pinnatlfidis inciso-dentatls,
capitolo basi folioso hirsute, corollis galea setaceo-bidentata,
calycibus deorsum truncatis. Pursh fl. amer. 2. p . 425.
Pedicularis canadensis. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p. 211. Pers.
syn. 2. p. 153.
Perennial. Stems several from the same plant,
erect, simple, of a purplish colour, thickly clothed
with soft white hairs, particularly on the upper part.
Leaves alternate, lanceolate, pinnatifid, hairy; segments
on the lower ones incised, or deeply toothed
with hluntish rounded segments or teeth, which are
again to o th ed ; upper leaves more shallowly and
sharper toothed with numerous small teeth. Petioles
deeply channelled on the upper side, and rounded on
the lower, hairy. Flowers in a short spike, or head,
pate yellow, tinged with purple. Bractes leaf-like,
toothed, villous at the hase, the upper ones shortest.
Calyx inflated, truncate downwards, emarginate, angular,
villous. Corolla ringent: helmet flat, toothed
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