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CALENDULA hybrida.
Great Cape Marygold.
Natural Order. Compositæ. Adanson fam. 2.103.
C A LEN D U LA . Flores radiati; flosculi centrales masculi,
arabientes hermapliroditi ; ligulæ foemineæ. Involucrum simplex
polyphyllum æquale. Receptaculum nudum. Pappus
nullus. Semina sæpè membranacea; marginalia diversa ab
interioribus, incurva sub ligulis luteis in C. Europeis, aut in
C. Africanis cordato-piana sub ligulis albo-violaceis. Flores
scepè solitarii terminales. Species plurima fruticulosa.
C. hyhrida, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis dentatis, caule
folioso, pedunculis superne incrassatis. Willden. sp. pi. 3.
p . 2342.
Calendula hybrida. Pers. syn. 2. p . 492. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.
V. 5. p. 107. Schkuhr handb. 3. p . 173. t. 264.
R o o t annual. Stem about a foot high, much
branched ; branches spreading in all directions, of a
purplish colour, thickly clothed with short white
spreading unequal hairs, as are the leaves, peduncles,
and calyx. Leaves sessile ; lower ones spatulately
oblong, obtuse, rather carnose, and toothed here and
there with large blunt teeth ; upper ones alternate,
narrower, and more acute, oblong, or lanceolate, and
toothed on each side with 1 or 2 smaller pointed teeth.
Peduncles terminal, gradually increasing in size upwards,
much thickened just below the flower, and
particularly when in fruit ; 1-flowered. Involucre sim-
jle, many-leaved ; scales nearly equal, linearly-lanceo-
ate, taper-pointed, with fringed membranaceous
margins. Receptacle slightly convex, naked, dotted.
Ligulæ, or Rays, fertile, densely fringed at the base
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