ASARUM canadense.
Canadian Asarabacca.
Natural Order. A r is to lo c h iæ . Brown prodr 349.
ASARUM. Supra fol. 18.
A. canadense, foliis lato-reniformibus geminatis, perianthium
lanatum profonde tripartitum ; laciniis sublanceolatis retlexis.
Asarum canadense. Mich. Jl. amer. 1. p . 279. Wtlld. sp. pl. 2.
p. 838. Lam. ill. t. 394. / . 2. Pers. syn. 2. p. 1. Pursh.
Jl. amer. 2. p . 596. Lodd. hot. cab. 889.
Asarum carolinianum. Walt. flor. car. 143.
Asarum latifolium. Salisb. prodr. 344.
Roots tufted, fibrous, of a spicy scent. Branches
short, simple, spreading, terminated by 2 leaves, and
a flower between them. Leaves broadly reniform;
while young, acute, but becoming bluntly rounded by
a«-e, very soft to the touch, pubescent on both sides ;
sinus generally overlapping at the base. Petioles stout
at the base, and tapering upwards, flattened on the
upper side, and rounded on the lower, densely clothed
with villous down. Flowers on short footstalks. P e duncles
cylindrical, villous, nodding. Perianthium
campanulate, villous, deeply 3-parted, of a pale brown
colour; lacinia: lanceolate, taper-pomted, more or less
reflexed, sides rolled back. Stamens 12, every other
one longest, seated on the capsule. Style short, fleshy.
Stigma stellately G-parted, blunt, and fleshy. Capsule
inferior, 6-celled, with several seeds in each cell.
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