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var. fasciculatum.
Superò Clustered Yellow Chrysanthemum.
Natural Order. CoMimsiTJS. Adanson Fam. 2. 103.
CH R Y SAN TH EM UM . Supra fo l. 7.
Chrysanthemum sinense. Supra fol. 7.
fasciculatum, floribus plenis fasciculato-corymbosis ; radiis
tubulosis luteis apice vix expansis, receptaculum nudum
conico-globosum punctatum.
Root perennial, tufted. Stems ligneous, erect; in
our specimen, about 3 feet high, slightly branched, and
terminated with a fasciculated corymbus of flowers ;
hranehes a little flexuose, obtusely angular, of a
purplish brown colour, thickly clothed with a dense
white tomentum. Leaves of various forms, punctate,
sinuately-lobate, and toothed with unequal bluntish
teeth, of a dull green on the upper side, and clothed
with a dense white tomentum on the lower ; segments
wide apart, blunt, and rounded at the ends, terminated
in a very short point ; lower ones about 4 inches long,
to 3 broad. Petioles winged, channelled on the upper
side, and bluntly keeled on the lower. Stipules variable,
oblong, obovate or spatulate, obtuse, sometimes
toothed. Peduncles short, densely tomentose. Involucre
hemisphserical, composed of numerous oblong
or lanceolate membranaceous scales, overlapping each
other. Flowers double, bright yellow. Receptacle
naked, dotted, between conical and globular. Rays
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