SALVIA Tenorii.
Tenorés Sage.
Natural Order. LabiaTjE. Brown prodr. 499.
Sect. I. Stamina 2 fertilia ; v. dum 4 fertilia. Anther®
omnium dimidiat®.
S A L V IA . CaZya; subcampanulatus, bilabiatus, labio superiore
3-dentato, inferiore bifido. Corolla ringens. Filamenta
duo fertilia bifida, lobo altero adscendenti antherà, dimidiatà,
altero sterili. Folia rugosa. Flores verticillata-racemosi.
Brown prodr. 500.
S. Tenorii, foliis oblongis subsinuatis insqualiter crenatis
rugosis reticulato-venosis ; summis amplexicaulibus acutis,
verticillis subnudis, corollis galea hirsuta falcata, calycibus
Salvia Tenorii. Spreng, pug. 1. n. 3. Ram. et Schult.
syst. 1. 242. Link enum. 1. p . 14. Steud. nomen. p . 729.
Salvia Barrelieri. Tenore. Schrank. Hort. monac. 1. t. 5.
Ro o t perennial. Stems from 1 to 2 feet high, not
much branched; branches bluntly quadrangular,
thickly clothed with unequal spreading hairs. Leaves
near the root petiolate, oblong, slightly jagged, unequally
crenate, bluntly pointed, very rugged and
uneven, reticulately veined, hairy on both sides ; upper
leaves clasping the stem, or sometimes with very short
footstalks, cordate, acute, more deeply jagged.
Petioles flat on the upper side, and convex on the
lower, hairy, as are the peduncles and calyx. Flowers
growing in whorls, about six in each, of a beautiful
dark blue, tinged with purple. Bractes small, cordate,
taper-pointed, fringed. Peduncles short and slender,
H 2