:-'J J.
LINARIA bipartita.
Cloven-flowered Toad-flax.
Natural Order. ScrophULARINjE. Brown prodr. 422.
Sect. II . Stamina 4 antherifera.
L IN A R IA . Calyx 5-partitüs. Corolla basi calcarata;
faux palato clausa. Capsula ventricosa, bilocularis, valvata
V . dentata ; dissepimento membranaceo, medio seminifero.
Folia sapius alterna, in quihusdam inferiora apposita, aut
verticillata; flores axillares, aut sapius bracteati spicati ter-
mínales. Species qucedam palato destitutfs ; quicdam interdum^
facundatione liybrida, corollis onusta regularibus (Peloria L.)
5-andris, basi 5-calcar atis, limbo 5-lobis,.interea non fructífera,
sed taléis propaganda. Juss, gen. 120.
L. bipartita, foliis lineari-lanceolatis ; inferioribus oppositis :
superioribus alternis, racemis laxis, galea erecta biparhta.
Linaria bipartita. Willd. enum. 2. 640. Link enum. 2 . 136.
Hort. sub. lond. p. 141* , , oc. tj o
Antirrhinum bipartitum. Vent. hort. cels. t. 82. Pers. syn. 2.
p . 155. . J w -iryo
Antirrhinum speciosum, Donn. hort. cant. ed. 7. p . x /o .
R o o t annual. Stem erect, branching; branches
erect, nearly cylindrical, smooth, and glossy. Leaves
linearly lanceolate, acute, concave, slightly pubescent,
glaucous ; lower ones opposite ; upper ones alternate.
Racemes long, erect, flowers rather distant from each
other. Bractes cordately lanceolate, taper-pointed,
with red margins. Pedicles slender, longer than the
bractes. Calyx 5-parted nearly to the b ase; segments
lanceolate, acute, keeled; margins red and transparent.
Corolla tapering into a long sharp spur at the base,
mouth closed ; helmet erect, 2-parted, lobes ligulate,
i 2
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