SILENE vespertina.
Evening Catchfly.
Natural Order. Ca k y o ph y l l e ^ . D C. prodr. syst.
” Tribi^ I. SiLENEM. Sépala coalita in tubum cylindraceum
apice 4-5-dentatum. » ,
S IL E N E . Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus nudus. Pétala
5 unguiculata, fauce siepissimse coronata, limbo bihdo. òta-
mina 10. Styli 3. Capsula basi 3-loculares apice m 6 deutes-
dehiscentes. D C . prodr. ì . p. 367. .
Sect. V. Stachymor pha . Caulescentes. Flores spicati
axillares, non oppositi. Calyx 10-striatus,
§. 2. Calycibus clavatis.
S. vespertina, pubescens, caulibus ramosis, foliis spathulatis
obtusis, spicis geminis secundis, calycibus yesiculato-clavatis,
petalis bipartitis, lobis ovatis. D C . loc. ctt- 374.
Silene vespertina. Retz. obs. 3. p . 31. Willden. sp. p i. 2.
» .6 9 9 . Botan. magaz. 677.
Silene bipartita. Deff. atl. 1. p. 352. <-100.
Silene distachya, Brot.fl. lusit, 2, p , io J .
Annual. Stems erect, from afoot to 18 inches m
height, much branched from the base, pubescent.
Leaves on the lower part of the stem obovate, upper
ones spatulate, obtuse; all fringed at the base. Spikes
in pairs, terminal, secund, or the flowers leaning to
one side; intermediate flower pedunculate. Calyx
clavate, vesiculosely pubescent, erect. Petals 2-parted,
coronate, rose-coloured ; lobes ovate; crown connate.
Stamens 10, every other one shortest, and joined to
the base of the petals; the other 5 longer, and inserted
in the receptacle. Styles 3, spreading.
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