OXYBAPHUS Cervantesii.
Cervantes’ Umbrella-Wort.
Natural Order. N y ctagineaí . Kunth Synops.2. p .U .
O X Y B A P H U S . Involucrum monophyllum, campanulatum,
quinquefidum, 1-, rarius 2-4-florum. Perianthium corollaceum,
infundibuliforme ; limbo quinquelobo. Stamina 3 aut 4. Ake-
nium basi calycis demum indurata apice clausa tectum, involucro
explanato grandeíacto circumdatum.
Herb® superne dichotoma. Folia apposita. Flores in apice
■’ IS. 2. ______5 superne
ramulorum corymbosi. Kunth Synops. p. 15.
O. Cervantesii, caule geniculato ramoso diffuso, foliis cordatis
obtusis pubescentibus margine ciliatis floribus
involucris villoso-viscosissimis trifloris lobis perianthii emar-
ginatis, staminibus perianthio brevioribus.
Perennial Roots tnherons. herbaceous much
brauched, knotted at the joints, f X
tions; branches of a shmmg purple, bearded at the
joints, and a villous line runumg irom one joint to the
next alternate with the leaves. Leaves opposite, long-
netioled, cordate, obtuse, entire, slightly pubescent,
the margins ciliated with short hairs. Pefro/es slender,
SStene^ on the upper side and convex ou the lower
niibesceut. Flowers panicled, the uppei part of the
stem peduncles and involucres villosely viscous, stick-
i n r o every thing that touches them. Peduneles
slfnder, ere?t when in flower, afterwards droopmg.
luvolucn of one leaf, peltate,
S.flowered ; beginenls uoeqoal, “ S ?
concave, keeled. Perianthium fumiel-form, plaited.
¿A Au-U f y .A. /. f9ZU