a little flattened, slightly furrowed. Pedicles scarcely
^ long as the calyx, slender, all bent to one side.
smooth, tubular, blunt at the base; limb
5-toothed; teeth subulate, unequal; the upper ones
shortest and deepest. Corolla papilionaceous, white,
slightly tinged with rose; vexillwm obovate, blunt,
slightly emarginate; alw, or wings, about the length
ot the vexillum ; spoon-shaped, eared on the inside,
unguiculate; /reeZ shorter than the wings, of a greenish
white, curved upwards. Stamens 10, diadelphous,
9 connected into a tube, the other distinct. P o d flat,
many-seeded, terminated with a green pointed stvle,
and fringed stigma.
Our drawing of this handsome plant was taken at
the Nursery of Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and Milne,
at iHuham ; we also received specimens of it from
Mr. Knight, of the King’s Road. It thrives well in a
rich light soil; and, when grown strong, attains the
heiglit of 2 feet, flowering in May and June, and
ripening its seeds in July, which should be sown as
soon as ripe ; they will then make flowering plants for
rile next season, if properly treated. They may either
be sown in pots, or m the open ground ; if in the latter.
It should be a sheltered situation, and free from
weeds; they may also be increased, but sparingly, by
dividing at the root. J
1. Calyx. 2. Vexilluni. 3. Alae, or Wings. 4. Carina, or Keel. 5 Stamens
T tV p othpr 0 b- The single 7. The othei 9 connected into one piece about halfway udpi. stingc. t TSheta mvoeunn!ff
Sced-pod, terminated with its Style. J 1 • o. m e young