RUDBECKIA serótina.
Late-flowering hispid-staïked Rudheckia.
Natural Order. Compositæ. Adanson fam. 2.
R U D B E C K IA . Flores radiati, lignlis neutris. ( Invo-
lucrum) duplici serie polyphyllum subæqualis patens. Semina
apice marginata, margine membranaceo 4-dentato. Recepta-
culum (paleaceum,) conicum.
Herbæ alternifoliæ, quaedam asperæ; Flores seepe terminales;
discus interdum suhfuscus; ligulæ quarumdam luteo-croceoe, in
R. purpurea ( et serotina) purpurascentes. Juss. gen. 189.
R. serotina, caule hispido, foliis inferioribus lato-ovatis basi
attenuatis remote dentatis asperrimis : caulinis lanceolato-
ovatis utrinque acuminatis subintegerrimis, radiis patentibus
apice tridentatis.
Rudbeckia purpurea, 0 serotina. Nuttall.
Rudbeckia speciosa. Hortulanorum. Link enum. v. 2. p . 353.
Root perennial, consisting of a fascicle of spreading
fibres ; not fusiform as in R. purpurea. Stems several
from the same root, from 2 to 5 feet high, branching,
thickly clothed with short stiff hairs. Leaves very
rough ; root ones very large, widely ovate, tapering at
both ends, distantly and unequally toothed, from 3 to
5-nerved: stem leaves ranch narrower, lanceolately
ovate, entire, or scarcely toothed. Petioles on the
root leaves very long, sheathing at the base, deeply
channelled on the upper side, and bluntly keeled on
the lower. Peduneles longer than the leaves, furrowed,
much swollen near the flower, thickly clothed with
short stiff hairs. Involucre many-leaved ; scales lanceolate,
acute, concave, ciliate, reflexed, in 3 tiers one
above the other, the lower ones generally the longest.
Receptacle conical, chafly. Chaff longer than the
florets of the disk, very rigid, the lower part keeled
and green, the point cartilaginous, bluntish, of a
brownish horn colour. Rays barren, broadly ligulate.