NEOTTIA ceraua.
Nodding-flowered Neottia.
Natural Order. Orchideæ. Brown prodr. 309.
Sect. II. Monandræ. Anthera stigmati parallela, persistens,
loculis approximatis. Pollinis massa pulvereæ, in
granula (simplicia) facilè solvendæ, apice affixæ filo a stigmatis
gianduia ortum ducenti. Herha Terrestres. Brown, prodr. 314.
N E O T T IA . Perianthium ringens; foliolis exterioribus
anticis labello imberbi suppositis ; interioribus conniventibus.
Columna aptera. Pollen farinaceum. Brown.
N. cernua, bulbis fasciculatis, foliis lanceolatis trinerviis, caule
vaginato, spica spiraliter snbimbricata pubescente, floribus
recurvato-cernuis, labello oblongo integro crenulato.
Neottia cernua. Willden. sp. jrl. 4. p. 75. Pers. syn. 2.
p . 511. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. vol. 5. p. 199. Pursh. jl. amer,
sept. 2. p . 589. Botan. magaz. 15Ö8.
Opbrys cernua. Linn. sp. pl. 1340. Midi. fl. bor. amer. 2.
p. 158.
Limodorum automnale. Walter fl, car. p . 221.
Perennial. Roots composed of a fascicle of oblong
bulbs, or tubers. Stems several, from a strong plant.
Leaves lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved, attenuated at the
base, sheathing the stem, smooth and glossy. Scapes
in our specimen about 18 inclies iu height, leafy,
smooth on the lower part, and densely pubescent on
the upper. Spikes oblong, from 4 to 6 inches in length,
densely pubescent between the flowers. Flowers
white, fragrant, spirally arranged, nodding; the upper
ones scarcely half the size of the lower ones. Bractes
lanceolate, taper-pointed, concave, ciliated with glandular
hairs, double the length of the germen, points
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